When I was a kid, I was told to pray. It could have been in a temple, mosque, church, gurudwara or synagogue etc. I was told that there is this person/thing/being called god and he/she/it will answer my prayers, grant my wishes and make me happy etc. But I was just a kid and hence did not have the cognitive skills or logical reasoning to know if its true or not. As I grew up, I started to realize the facts, know whats true from myth. And there not such a person/thing/being as "god".
But again, being a sports fan and being born in a country where Cricket is considered a religion and even better, being born in an era in which I got to see this Little Man play the game. The man known as SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR. The man who was born only 38 years ago on this day.

The man who is visible, made of flesh and blood. The man who does the improbable. This man who gives us hope, answers our prayers and makes us happy or at least tries his level best(and mind you his best is way way up there) to do so is THE GOD, not just for me but for millions of people.