Sunday, July 25, 2010

1440 times

One of my favorite songs of Broadway musicals is from R.E.N.T. It's the opening song "Seasons of Love" . I can't really say about 525600 minutes of the year, but I have something to say about 1440 minutes of a day, any day.

1440 times a day, I think of You,
Believe me my dear, it's true;
Even when I sleep at night,
Hoping bed bugs wont bite;
I wish to see You in my dream,
Making it a lovely theme;
The next morning, if my wish was fulfilled,
I feel like a rainbow, formed over a field;
And the cycle begins again,
With the thoughts of You, in my brain;
1440 times a day, I think of You my dear,
Wishing all the while, You were with me right here.

Another reason for me to choose to this as the name of the poem is because, someone knows about 1440. Though it is very very unlikely that she will read this blog, I wrote it anyway, because, if and when she does read it, I want her to know how I feel about her.

P.S. Don't ask me who she is. I am NOT gonna tell, just yet.