Thursday, March 10, 2011

Practice Partner

Those of you who are interested in and/or play sports know the importance of a practice partner. Especially if it is track events or two player sports, it is even more important. Couple of days ago, I saw this Ad on tv in which, Usain Bolt is practicing his sprints beside a huge, long screen on which the video of himself sprinting is being played. So it is kind of he is trying to beat himself. For the world's fastest man, to improve his performance, I guess there is no other way, but to practice against himself.

For the rest of us people, we all need practice partners. Not only in sports, but in all aspects of life. A practice partner is someone who helps you grow, makes you want more, pushes you to your limits and then some, helps by competing against you and prepares you for the real deal.

So let me ask you this. Do you have a practice partner? If so, Who???