Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So, I have been thinking of writing a blog for quite a while now. I have even made a list of topics too. But a kind of laziness got to me and lately I am not quite myself, haven't been for a real long time. Anyways we'll get to that some other time. Coming to the blog itself, here it is....

No,its not another name for One Day International Cricket. Its the name of a funny yet thought provoking moving starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogan, Anna Kendrick etc. It's about a 27 y.o. guy(Joseph) who discovers that he is suffering from a type of cancer which gives him 50/50 odds of surviving and how he and people around him deal with it. This reminded me of a lot other movies(whose names I can't re-call right now) in which characters suffering from cancer gain this new perspective on life, make some kind of a bucket-list and do all kinds of stuff which they would not other wise have done. This made me think, why does it have to be this way? I mean, does someone have to be punched right on the face by cancer or some kind of terminal illness to realize that life is too short and you need to be making the maximum out of it. Are we as humans living too long a life that we waste most of it slacking, not being the best we can be, hesitating or being afraid of taking risks, etc? As a solution to this, maybe we should like psyche ourselves into thinking that we do have some kind of terminal illness, then make a kind of bucket-list and check every item on it out and make a whole new one again and repeat. I made my first one and I hope you did too.

Anyways that's the thought the movie put in me. You should check it out, its a good one.

P.S. I have two and three quarter years to live. :)