(Not to be confused with
Phantom Heart Syndrome which has a whole different meaning as defined by Urban Dictionary)
Before we get into the matter(s) of the Heart let us first see what the whole Phantom thing is. Most of you might have heard about Phantom Limb. For those who haven't. here is a brief summary. A Phantom Limb is the sensation that an amputated or a missing limb is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts.(source - Wikipedia). This amputated or missing limb can feel itchy and you cannot scratch it because well, there is no limb. Then comes the pain, Phantom Pain that is. Though I do not have any personal experience of this, I know for sure that it is serious because people have been trying to come up with different treatments for this for years.

I always (well maybe not always, but most times) wondered why it is called giving your heart or heart broken and such even though the heart has barely anything to with emotional decisions or any decisions for that matter. Emotional feelings/reactions in the body are processed by Amygdala, two almost shaped pieces in the brain. But hey "I gave my Amygdala to someone" doesn't sound as good as saying "I gave my heart to someone". Anyway, we are getting way off topic here. So for now, let us assume and the heart has everything to do "feelings". So when you like someone or "love" someone and I mean romantically, it means you have given your heart to them. There are two possibilities in this scenario. That person might take your hear or they might not. You are in trouble no either case. If they don't take it, well it is out there somewhere, floating in the cold cosmos, all vulnerable. And if they do take it, then to begin with, it is all warm and fuzzy and the whole world is filled with rainbows and unicorns. But what you tend to forget is that you are no longer in control of your heart and someone else does. That person might take real good care of it, until things go south and don't kid yourself they more often than not they do. And I am NOT saying this by personal experience, because I have none what so ever, but I am saying this because there is thing called "The Second Law of Thermodynamics" which also disguises as Murphy's Law. So when things do go south, your heart(which apparently is fragile like a glass) is in the hands of someone else who might shatter it to pieces.
So in both the above cases (the first of which I am the king of and the second I have no idea about), the heart, the most essential part of the body is missing from the body and you have no control over it. That's when the Phantom Heartache begins. It's bad enough that it is missing from your body and yet you feel the pain. Sometimes it is mild but sometimes it is very acute, like thousand needles are pricking at it or like being inside a hot furnace. In most cases this Phantom Heartache seems to subside with time, but in some cases even after years, the pain lingers and creeps up ever so often and can make you miserable. Now is this pain worth it? Is it worth to take the risk of flinging your heart out there for someone to grab it or let it float around? The answer seems to be a resounding YES.