She/He is "The Love of My Life". You are "The Love of My Life". Almost everyone must have heard, seen them in the Movies and for some of you very "fortunate" people, must have heard it in real life too. Hmmm....... "Love of My Life" , what does it mean? where can i find one?
For someone like me i always thought this one girl is "The Love of My Life". Naah... who am i kidding. You all know thats not true. Ok here it is. I have been in love with many a girls and each time i thought she was the love of my life. But that was just childhood. Yesterday, while on i was on the subway and since i had nothing to read or solve(puzzle not a Murder mystery), this thought came into my mind (it so happens that most of my weird thoughts and crazy ideas appear to come while i am on the subway or the potty), what does "Love of My Life" actually mean. Does it mean that she/he is the person whom you love the most? or she/he is the person whom loves you the most? or something else. How does someone realize she/he is "Love of Their Life". What does it get to become "Love of Someone's Life". Does it Change when you find a better person who gets to be the love of their life (enough of putting it in quotes huh?).
Why would someone love someone the most anyway? Because she/he is hot/handsome, rich, caring, talented, successful, loving or is it enough just to be a human. If so, what if you find someone else who is hotter/handsome, richer, more caring, more talented, more successful or more loving. Does she/he become the new Love of your life?
Am so confused......... :(.... Any help guys and gals??