Monday, July 14, 2008

"Love of My Life"

She/He is "The Love of My Life". You are "The Love of My Life". Almost everyone must have heard, seen them in the Movies and for some of you very "fortunate" people, must have heard it in real life too. Hmmm....... "Love of My Life" , what does it mean? where can i find one?

For someone like me i always thought this one girl is "The Love of My Life". Naah... who am i kidding. You all know thats not true. Ok here it is. I have been in love with many a girls and each time i thought she was the love of my life. But that was just childhood. Yesterday, while on i was on the subway and since i had nothing to read or solve(puzzle not a Murder mystery), this thought came into my mind (it so happens that most of my weird thoughts and crazy ideas appear to come while i am on the subway or the potty), what does "Love of My Life" actually mean. Does it mean that she/he is the person whom you love the most? or she/he is the person whom loves you the most? or something else. How does someone realize she/he is "Love of Their Life". What does it get to become "Love of Someone's Life". Does it Change when you find a better person who gets to be the love of their life (enough of putting it in quotes huh?).

Why would someone love someone the most anyway? Because she/he is hot/handsome, rich, caring, talented, successful, loving or is it enough just to be a human. If so, what if you find someone else who is hotter/handsome, richer, more caring, more talented, more successful or more loving. Does she/he become the new Love of your life?

Am so confused......... :(.... Any help guys and gals??



  1. Hey sherry, good that you wrote this blog and made my confused mind a bit less confusing especially from my relationship point of view! :D

    I ain't no love guru to suggest or answer ur questions but just letting you my feelings from my past experiences..

    I think Love of someone's life is very unique person (under the assumption that we are not talking about heartless human being :P)and nothing can change this no matter whosoever this new person may be and with whatever qualities! I think the crux lies on how better one can understand his/her love n vice versa.. how loyal/trustworthy one can be towards his/her love n vice versa.. n how much one can count on his/her love n vice versa! (as u know.. the definition of love.. it just goes onnn! huh!)

    No matter with whatever characteristics the new person may be.. one will be loyal to his/her love.. as the definition speaks for itself.. otherwise.. there is no point in saying.. "you are my love of life"!! The characteristics which you mentioned ( carin.. blah.. blah..) are just the add on features which makes your love of your life even better n hotter :P!

    p.s: this comment has everything to do just with me.. purely concerned to my experiences!

  2. Long Long ago ... there were some nomads roaming around in dense jungles. One old man ordered his son to cut the first tree he sees so that they can cook some food. Another old man ordered his son to go and cut the tallest tree in the jungle so that they can cook better. The first one returned in an hour with some wood. He cocked his father a gud lunch before they dozed off to glory. The second old man waited till eternity only to find his son return empty handed. After a whole days hard work his son failed to locate the tallest tree in the jungle.

    The moral of the story – If you want to find yourself the best person in the world, you would definitely stay single for life. You can always find more hot/handsome, rich, caring, talented, successful, loving person. Another line of thought – You can never decide who is more hot/handsome, rich, caring, talented, successful, loving person. Every person comes as a package. One scores high in one aspect while the other is better in another respect. Every human has a positive side and a negative side. Accept it rather than search for a perfectly positive non-existent person.

    Now which of these attributes - hot/handsome, rich, caring, talented, successful, loving makes a person the love of your life? None. Then what makes a person the love of your life. Its your ATTITUDE. You could have a made any of the girls you like (not loved) the love of your life. Yes the love of your life doesn’t happen to you. You have to work towards it with the right ATTITUDE.

    You meet many people in life. Some you hate, some you like and some you simply don’t care. Believe me …. You can make any of them your love of life. If it’s a person you like, it gives you some leverage. If it’s a person who likes you as well, it would give you double leverage. Its not a person who makes your life. It’s the experience with the person who makes your life. The time spent. All those memories - those sweet romances, those hardships you faced together, the sacrifices you made for each other, the times when you fought, the times when you smiled together, the movies you watched, the days when you don’t talk to each other, those sleepless jealousy nights are the ingredients of the love of life. The way you understand each other and mold yourself accordingly will make you the ideal match. So the love of your life is a journey you travel together with your partner. It doesn’t happen over night.

    Having said that, I don’t undermine the importance of beauty, richness, care, talent, and success. They are necessary in absolute terms and not relative terms. Hot is good, hotter is bad. Rich is good, richer is bad. Etc., etc., You get attracted to a person because of these attributes. But once you decided whom you are going to make the love of your life, accept that no hotter, richer, more talented person exists. You think about a person before you make him/her the love of your life. Once you made your decision stop judging the person on any of the attributes. He/she is the best. This makes you a happy person in life.

    Well, I am not be the best person to talk on this. But it’s a democracy and so I took the liberty of voicing my opinion as well.
