Thursday, November 01, 2007

Best Friends Forever (BFF)

The other day i was watching this sitcom called "How I Met Your Mother" (for somene who dont know what this is about, its nothing like what you think it could be.Its a comedy in which a guy (Ted Mosby) tells his kids (who are teenagers) in the year 2030, about how he met their mother(his wife). Its AWESOME, you should check this out) in which Ted Mosby(played by Josh Radnor) while telling his kids about one of his stories in the past, reminds them how they have drawn Robin Schrebatsky (played by Cobie Smulders)(whom once Ted dated but basically is a very good friend of his,also the kids call her aunt Robin. Again people its not like in India where you call your neighbours aunt and uncle. In US aunt and uncle means you are related) in their drawings when they were little. Thats particular made me think about something. I've made many a friends in my whole life (you probably already know that, if you know me very well or go through my orkut profile). Some of them are just aquaintances and some of the are very good friends. Some of them are even what people call as "BFF". I wonder if that phrase really make any sense. Am i gonna be really friends with those people for my entire life. Am i gonna be so good a friend with them that my kids call them uncle/aunt, and draw their pictures in their art class. Because i hardly heard any elder people (who are atleast one generation ahead of us) mention about their childhood friends in their stories or their experiences or someone whom your father or mother or neighbours mention saying "ooh i miss that guy/girl". It doesnt mean that i dont want to be BFF to anyone. I am so glad that i made friendship with all you people. I wish and hope that this friendship stays forever. I really really wish that ATLEAST one of you would be so close to me my entire life that my kids call uncle/aunt and draw your picture in their art class.


  1. hey! Of course you have BFFs! Some you will remain in constant touch with, others might pop in and out of your life, but of course you will have friends who your kids will call aunt or uncle!

    btw, where do u watch the show from? :D

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Well written article.
