Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Happy Place

Today while i was coming back from the School, as usual on the Subway,i was listening to this song called "I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack which reminded me of a Certain Episode from "Dawson's Creek" which had a Phrase called "Happy Place".Thats made me think, what is My Happy Place.

My Happy Place would be My Grand Ma's Place(a difficult choice to make, but i think this would be on the top or all).It's a Small village called Atchuthapuram on the East coast of Southern India, with a population of may be 600 tops. All my childhood (that would be till my 10th grade), i used to spend my summers there, right from the month of April till June. Reasons for it to be on the top would are many. A few of them would be sweet and caring people as half the population are related to me, lovely climate, all we had to do was nothing but eat and play ALL DAY. Back in the day when all of the relatives had nothin but love to share among themselves, it was fun to meet cousins once in a year and aunts and uncles who are so happy that visited. The Climate made the place more happier.Though it was summer, it was hardly HOT most of the time.The evenings was majorly cool.And at times, the conditions used to be over cast, with cloud covering up the sky so think that you could actually hear an echo ( this is my most favourite kind of weather).We used to scream at the top of the voice and compete as of whose voice would echo for long.And when it starts to pour down, we ran on the huge open grasslands,getting drenched in the drizzle, until our parents/grand parents/etc would shout at us to come back into the house.And when we come back, we made these paper boats and sailed them along the small water canals which ran along the outside of the outerwalls of the houses, which are made of mud.

During those days Eating,Playing and ocasional studying was the WHOLE WORLD. No egos, no selfishness, no back stabbing, no jealousy, nothing.I miss being Naive and Happy and everything but an Adult.May be thats what makes that my Happy Place and those my Happy Days.

I feel everyone should have a Happy Place and they should visit it often, if not Physically , Mentally.Hope you Realize What your Happy Place is.......Sooner if not Later.


  1. nice one!!! made me think abt my Happy days and my happy feels like u r visiting ur childhood days while reading it..

  2. Nostalgic!!. Guess I should realise where my happy place is too!!

  3. This made me smile. I miss being a child and I miss my cousins.
